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Global Shipment

We can offer worldwide express delivery service, such as DHLor FedEx or TNT or UPS or other forwarder for shipment.

Global Shipment by DHL/FedEx/TNT/UPS

Shipping Fees reference DHL/FedEx
1). You can offer your express delivery account for shipment, ifyou haven’t any express account for shipment, we can offer our account inadvance.
2). Use our account for shipment, Shipment charges(Reference DHL/FedEx, Different Countries has different price.)
Shipment charges: (Reference DHL and FedEX)
Weight(KG): 0.00kg-1.00kg Price(USD$) : USD$60.00
Weight(KG): 1.00kg-2.00kg Price(USD$) : USD$80.00
* The price of cost is reference with DHL/FedEx. The detail charges, please contact us. Different country the express charges are different.

Other Shipment Way

SF Express for Asia; Chang-woo special air line for Korea, Aramexfor Middle East countries. Others more shipping way, please contact us.
We also can send the goods to your forwarder or your othersupplier, so that you can send the goods together. It may will save shipmentcharges for you, or may will more convenient for you.

Shipping Details
Shippinginformation, We need shipping information including Receiver Company Name(Or personal), Receiver Name, Contact Number, Address and Zip Code. Please make sure these information to us, so that we can arrange the shipment faster.
Delivery time
Deliverytime will need 2-5days to most of country all over the world for DHL/UPS/FEDEX/TNT.
Duties & Taxes
Forinternational orders, all additional local taxes, duties, GST, tariffs and feesshould be customers'(your) responsibilities. Resulting from the complexity ofinternational shipping, we are not able to provide any estimate and quote ofthese amounts, so please contact local customs station with any problems orquestions. Regarding the declared value on the package, we're happy to followyour wish, just feel free to contact us.
Any inquires or questions, please kindly contact us Email: